Domestic Lifestylist® loves how seamlessly technology is blending with our homes, and after reading about some of the developments at the Consumer Electronics Show this year, we are going to have lots to talk about!
The Nike+ FuelBand has been out for awhile, but apparently other companies are now bringing versions of this to market. We have been using one for almost a year and love it! The Fuel Band keeps track of pretty much every step you take and converts it into "fuel points" as well as calories burned. You will be surprised how many calories you can use up doing housework or basic chores. YOu set a goal, and such it to a site online that will tell you how you are doing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. It looks like a rubber bracelet and also functions as a watch. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't work on a bike, but I'm sure that they will have something new soon. I'm adding this to the
LifestylistList as a great way to work on a healthier 2013.
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